You two are amazing! What an accomplishment you both have achieved. I admire your dedication.

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Hi Kelli! We passed a golf course somewhere in the past few days and I told April you would have loved that one. It reminded me of the course in Raleigh and I thought of you immediately. Hope you are well!

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Jun 5Liked by April Maria

I’m sure I would have. Played this morning in a 4 lady scramble at Harrisburg. All is well with me.

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Thank you, Kelli! More to come in the fall!

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I enjoyed reading your story, and have been reading your posts for a few months. We have a bit in common - long distance hiking and sailing with a stranger captain - turned partner. My story is at: https://travelingsolobutnotalone.com/

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Thank you for reading about my adventures, Denise! I read your post about TACOS, and it made me hungry! So way to go! I would love to read more. I hope you will keep writing. Let me know if you have any questions! How long have you been sailing? Where have you hiked?

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I look forward to reading your posts!!

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